Monday, May 26, 2014

Street Fairs, Sidewalk Art Festival, Great Weekend Getaway

This year I decided to sign up for the Riverhead Community Mosaic Street Painting Festival. The Festival is held every year on Main Street in Riverhead, Long Island, NY. 

We had been scheduled to attend last year, but the weather was awful. This year we had a picture perfect day, and set off to arrive for booth set-up at 9:00 am. 

Booth Set-up took about 2 hours to complete

Scarves, Neck Wraps, Headbands, Barrettes, Tee Shirts and 
Childrens Accessories

The Crowds were steady all day, food trucks at one end of the street, vendors down the sidewalks on both sides of the street, 
and the artists down the middle of the street

Tons of people attending, and so many families with kids joining in the festivities and creating fabulous chalk murals...

One Dad and his daughter spent most of the day working on this from Disney's "Frozen"

It was a wonderful day out, met many super nice people, saw some talented artists and enjoyed a perfect Spring Day!

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